HOME  »  Sports Meet Morning - 11th January 2006 »  Viewing 08. The Brindavan boys march past the dais     [Image 8 of 45]  :: Jump To  
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03. Swami being ceremoniously welcomed to the ground on the morning of January 11th * 3264 x 2448 * (2.77MB)

04. The primary school boys salute Swami on the dais * 3264 x 2448 * (3.81MB)

05. The school girls pay their obeisances to Swami as they march past * 3264 x 2448 * (3.83MB)

06. The Higher Secondary School boys going past the dais * 3264 x 2448 * (2.77MB)

07. Sai Melodies from the Anantapur campus * 3264 x 2448 * (3.71MB)

Next slide
08. The Brindavan boys march past the dais.JPG
09. The Prasanthi Nilayam campus of the SSSIHL * 3264 x 2448 * (2.79MB)

10. The Music College boys march past the dais * 2560 x 1920 * (2.59MB)

11. The peacock mascot carries the fire up the hill to light up the urn at the very top * 3456 x 2304 * (3.71MB)

12. Releasing a dove to start the meet * 2304 x 3456 * (3.13MB)

13. The Prasanthi Nilayam captains obtaining Swami's blessings before the start of their program * 3264 x 2448 * (2.82MB)

Made with JAlbum 5.1
Album last updated on Jan 27, 2006 - 04:10 PM
Created for RadioSai.org by the SGH team